Byta Saves You Time
Send, receive, stream and download your audio all from one clean and simple app.
Need more security or extended streaming options?

Built for Digital Audio
Read and write file metadata, convert file formats and deliver fast yet secure streaming. Byta is built for audio files' unique properties.

Share Your Audio
Create and paste private links for streams and/or downloads.
Flexible Pricing
Share for free or upgrade for advanced features and added security.
Supports Multiple Audio Formats
Byta supports FLAC, ALAC, AIFF, WAV, AAC, and MP3 file formats.
Powered by Audio Metadata
Read and write your audio file tags. Your edited metadata embeds into the audio files - not just on Byta.
Control Security and Delivery
Secure audio streaming and downloads plus choose expiry options.
Advanced Contact Management
Upload CSV, import Mailchimp Contacts and add tags.

Clotilde Bayle

Michael Perlmutter
instinct entertainment