Byta’s Features Are Built For Music
Create. Promote. Stream. Discover.
Send and receive your digital audio in a clean, simple and secure way.
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Direct Share
Share to your contacts
With Byta’s Direct Share, recipients can access your audio without signing up to Byta. Choose a Direct Share, add the recipient's email address and click the Share button. Recipients receive an email with access to your streams and downloads. Create shares for multiple contacts and track their streams and downloads.

Protected Links
High security audio sharing
Byta’s unique Protected Links offer you unparalleled levels of security. Recipients must have a Free or Paid plan, allowing you to reliably track streams and downloads. Links are quick to create and simple to share with the option to add one‑click watermarking*. Ideal for your pre‑release music.

Universal Links
Easy to share music links
Byta’s Universal Links are easy to create and share. Paste the link into an email, Facebook Messenger or any other type of messaging service to share your streams and/or downloads. Your link is complete with rich album artwork previews.

Mailchimp Integration
Impressive time saving campaigns
Byta’s Mailchimp Integration makes it easy to share streams and downloads in your Mailchimp campaign. Link your Byta and Mailchimp accounts, then paste the Byta code snippet into your Mailchimp email builder. Campaigns or monthly round-up playlists: great design increases your open rates.

Forward Feature
For Teams, Collaborators or Freelancers
With your Team plan, Byta’s Forward Feature allows you to set security restrictions on your audio files that remain in place when forwarded to collaborators, and for everyone they share to. Set the expiry date, file format, if stream-only and/or the number of downloads. For added security choose one-click watermarking*.

One‑click Watermarking
Even more confidence, even more security
Byta Watermarking is easy to add to your files. This is the process of embedding difficult to remove, unique and undetectable information into an audio file. If the audio is shared, the watermark is carried in the copy. You always know where those files came from should they appear online. An additional deterrent to leaking and piracy of pre‑release music.
Byta is more than just a music sharing app. It simplifies the secure exchange of digital audio, empowering creators, collaborators, managers and their teams to share audio files and streams quickly and confidently. Flexible pricing is another benefit.
You Control the Narrative.
Before, during and after recording sessions, Byta’s features help streamline a secure workflow when you need to share audio files with your team or outside contacts.