
Getting Started

Ready to start using Byta? Follow our basic guide on how Byta works and you shall be sharing in no time.

Getting Started with Byta

Sign up to Byta and share your audio files. It is as simple as uploading your audio, building your Share and clicking send. Signin...

Do my recipients need an account?

We understand that, as a sender, your main intention in using Byta is to ensure your audio reaches the recipient. We also understa...

Accessing Byta via mobile browser

Byta’s iOS app will be available in 2022, until then, you can still access your Byta using your mobile device’s web browse...

Signing in to Byta

Signing in to Byta is as easy as visiting our login page. Add in your registered email address and password then you should be goo...

Free vs Paid Accounts

Byta is a Freemium platform, and this means we allow you to experience the app without paying for premium features unless you need...