Working on larger campaigns with multiple teams and external employees comes with difficulties. We regularly hear that a particular concern is how to manage audio once it has been passed on to other parties as part of campaigns. As a solution to this concern, Byta allows Team plan users to Forward audio to another user’s Audio Library to share with their contacts with all restrictions set at the source.

Middle-man recipients (the person you are forwarding audio to) must be on a Freelancer plan to receive and then share Forwarded audio. If you set Watermarking as a restriction, the recipient will also need this bolt-on with their plan. 

View our Features – Forward (FWD) page for a quick overview.

Forwarding audio to your contacts

Attach Audio

Search/Upload to attach audio as usual and select “Forward” on Customise Share. 

Setting Restrictions

If you are looking for extra security, you can force your Forward to not be publicly available by setting to “force account”. Otherwise, if you wish to allow the Forward recipient to share as Universal Links, please ensure that you have no download/watermark or Require account restrictions set.

If you set share restrictions to be moderate, the middle-man has the option to add increased security, and they will not, however, be able to remove restrictions.

Read more about Share Restrictions

Add Contacts

Search your contact list or add recipients by copying and pasting or typing in contacts and clicking “add contact”.

Add Message

All shares allow you to add a short message that the middleman will receive in their email.  If you wish to attach more information to your audio, we recommend attaching a PDF via the attachments. 

Add Attachments

If required, you can add up to three attachments to your share via the attachment section. These will then remain attached for your end recipient.
Read more about attachments here.

Review and Send Forward

Review the overview copy to ensure you correctly set up your restrictions when you are ready. Complete the share by clicking “Send Forward”.

Recipients will receive an email notifying them that they have new files in their Audio Library. If you have uploaded audio at step one of the sharing process, please note that this step can take a short while. 

The user will then be able to share your Forwarded Audio in the same manner as a normal share, though subject to the restrictions specified. Once your middleman begins sharing the audio, you will be able to see who is listening via your activity page. Forwarded audio is also subject to the same deletion Behaviours as other shares.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I remove access to the audio that I have forwarded?

How do I remove access to the audio that I have forwarded?
If you have sent out the audio and wish to revoke access, visit the activity page and find the relevant share. Accessing the extended menu on the side of the card and deleting it will revoke access to the middle-man and anyone they have shared the audio with. Read more about deleting audio here.

Why can’t my middle-man access the audio I have sent them

Please ensure that all recipients are on a freelancer plan to share audio that has been forwarded to them

Why can’t I share or forward audio to other members of my team?

Forward is not necessary with members that are already on your team. Read more about shared team audio and team audio restrictions in our Team section of the support center.

Sharing – Forward was last modified: January 12th, 2023 by jen